Boat & Yacht registration in Delaware USA

Cost of boat registration in Delaware (USA) flag covers

State registration fee, processing fee, federal documentation filling and regular post-delivery cost.

No hiden fees !
CLASSES1 year3 years
CLASS Aless than 16'$ 20$ 60
CLASS 116' or over and less than 26'$ 40$ 120
CLASS 226' or over and less than 40'$ 60$ 180
CLASS 340' or over and less than 65'$ 100$ 300
CLASS 465' or over$ 120$ 360
Service fee = $ 100 / standard delivery 2+ weeks

Additional costs / options in Delaware's boat registration

First registration add cost is $ 50
Boat registration transfer from previous to a new owner is $ 150
Deletion of a boat from Delaware register $ 135
FedEx delivery (depend on destination) min $ 70 -optional
Verification letter $ 60 - optional
Expedited service $ 60 - optional

Why To Register In Delaware

Registering your yacht or boat in the State of Delaware is quick and simple. For a flat fee we will file the appropriate paperwork. The state of Delaware is one of the most convenient places on the market to register your valuable yacht. Prestigious American banner at reasonable cost is the main reason why the greatest numbers of yachts in the world are registered here. All paperwork may be completed in about 2 weeks or less than 10 days if courier service is used. Please note that all yacht registration is valid for a calendar year - till 31st December.

You may choose to Incorporate in Delaware and have your boat registered as a business or you may register the boat in your own name.
Although cheaper it means that your name shines in the register. Anybody could see that you own the certain boat / yacht and delivers you to the full liability. This is the main reason why majority of Delaware yachts are corporate owned.
If you decide to form a Delaware corporation to own property like yacht, aircraft or real estate there can be tax advantages and you can limit your personal liability. Incorporation can give your business credibility, prestige and substance. A corporation has certain tax advantages; the owners and directors can be protected from personal liability, and the business can raise capital through the sale of shares of stock. Only One officer or Director is needed in Delaware, but many jurisdictions have stricter guidelines, forcing you to name other directors and officers to get established.
Either way, we can accommodate you.

Documents needed to register a vessel in Delaware

Fulfilled Application
If the boat is new, a builder's certificate and invoice
If the boat is used, a notarized bill of sale and copy of old registration
If the boat was registered outside Delaware, deletion from boat register
For renewal under Delaware flag copy of old Delaware Registration Card
ID document - passport / Formation Certificate in case of corp. ownership
Want to register your boat/yacht under your Companies name? Click here